先日、外務省領事局外国人課に転任された高橋政司さんが、後任の青山健郎アジア大洋州局大洋課首席事務官とご一緒にご来館されました。ご多忙中にもかかわらずお越しくださり、ありがとうございます。 高橋様のご活躍をご祈念いたすとともに、青山様にはこれからお世話になりますので、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Mr. Masashi Takahashi, Principal Deputy Director of Foreign Nationals’ Affairs Division Consular Affairs Bureau, and Mr. Takero Aoyama, Principal Deputy Director of Oceania Division Asian Oceanian Affairs Bureau, both from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited the FSM Embassy to meet with Ambassador Fritz. Mr. Takahashi has been serving in the Oceania Division post before he was recently repalced by Mr. Aoyama. Our special thanks to Mr. Takahashi for promoting the friendly and cooperative working relationship during his tenure. We do look forward to continue strengthening these ties with Mr. Aoyama. We wish both gentlemen success in their respective positions.