斎木インド大使(右から二番目)の左側に後任の杉山晋輔局長、斎木氏の後ろ右側に飯田大洋州課長もご同席いただきました。 斎木閣下のこれからのご活躍を祈念いたします。
Ambassadors and Charge d’Affaires ad interim from the Pacific Island countries with Embassies based in Tokyo had a farewel luncheon meeting with the former Director General for Asian and Oceania Affairs Bureau, Mr. Saiki, who was recently appointed as Japan’s Ambassador to the Republic of India, on February 15. Attending from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were the new Director General for the Bureau, Mr. Sugiyama, successor of Mr. Saiki and Mr. Iida, Director of Oceania Division.