Establishment of Kochi-Micronesia Friendship Exchange Association
— Kizuna and ties from Koben Mori —
June 4, 2013
Kochi-Micronesia Friendship Exchange Association was established between Kochi and FSM, where many descendants of Kobe Mori (1869-1945) live. Representing the FSM Government, Ambassador John Fritz attended the gathering with much anticipation for the promising activities the Association holds. A direct flight is scheduled this October with hopes to “bridge the two countries through people to people exchanges”.
In 1892 Koben visited Micronesia as a trader where he married and had 11 children. While working he spent much of his wealth in building school, contributing to the development of Micronesia. His descendants, well known as the Mori Family, now work at various posts of the Government and private companies. The current President Emanuel Mori is also a descendant of Koben.
Koben taught his children not to forget Tosa—many of them have visited Kochi including President Mori in 2008 and 2010.
Mr. Yamamoto, who is a distant relative of Koben and a key player in this establishment, welcomed visiting Mori Families on each occasion, and himself visited FSM last year in June. The supports from Kochi Prefecture and Kochi City are very instrumental in the establishment of the Association this year which coincides with the 25th year of Japan-FSM Diplomatic relations, Mr. Yamamoto remarks, “I wish to bridge cultural exchange with Micronesia”.
Governor Ozaki and Ambassador Fritz were among other 10 board members that took part in the establishment ceremony. Mr. Farmer Doi of Tosa Prefectural Assembly who resides in Niida of Kochi City (same as Koben) was elected as the new Chairman and Governor Ozaki as the Honorary Chairman, while 12 others sat on the board. The initial members numbered at 130, including individuals and groups.
It was agreed at the board meeting that; 1) a direct flight will visit FSM for 5 days 4 nights in October this year, 2) should there be visitors from FSM to Kochi they will be welcomed and, 3) conduct a meeting at least once a year. After the assembly, more than 100 individuals gathered for a reception.
Mr. Yamamoto remarks, “We wish to deepen people to people exchange and we hope to pass this on to the next generation for them to carry on.”