来日2日目は、午前中に国会見学に行き、森 喜朗 元首相とお会いしました。午後は大使館の仕事・役割について説明を受けた後、全員で大使館見学に来ました。日本での一週間、都内の中学校と交流したり、東京観光や地方都市訪問、ホームステイなどが予定されています。多くの人と出会い、多くのことを学び、一回りも二回りも成長して帰国してほしいと願っています。
Under the Children Exchange Program with Micronesian Islands, students with age of 11–15 from the three entities in Micronesia including the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Republic of Palau (ROP) and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) arrived in Tokyo on June 16th. FSM has the largest number of participants representing each States of the FSM with a total of 48 (40 students and 8 chaperons). Organized by the National Institute for Youth Education, the program is held every year and this year marks the 12th program. The objective of the program is for the children of the sub-region countries and Japan to learn about each cultures and promote friendly relations. In July, students with the same age from Japan will be visiting the sub-region countries.
On the 2nd day of their stay, they visited the Japan National Diet and also met with former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori (founder of this program). They also visited the FSM Embassy in Tokyo and met with Embassy staff. The students are scheduled to stay in Japan for one week and their schedule includes sightseeing in Tokyo, interacting with students in Tokyo and areas outside of Tokyo and home stay.