I extend sincere appreciation to the Saitama Seibu Lions Baseball Club for your kind cooperation in implementing the “baseball equipment donation project” to my country the Federated States of Micronesia. Thank you all for your support.
国交25周年記念企画 ミクロネシア連邦へ野球用具を寄付しよう!埼玉西武ライオンズでは、野球振興の一環として、ファンの皆さまや選手から不要になった野球用具を集めて、ミクロネシア連邦へ寄付するプロジェクトを開催いたします。
西武ドーム試合開催時 回収場所:ドーム前広場 ファンクラブカウンター7/24(水)16:00~20:00
7/23(火)11:00~13:00 回収場所:西武ドーム3塁側入場ゲート付近8/9(金)17:00~19:00 回収場所:県営大宮球場 内野スタンド入場門(バックネット裏付近)
埼玉西武ライオンズインフォメーションTEL 0570-01-1950
Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and the Federated States of Micronesia
Donation of Yakyu equipments to the Federated States of Micronesia “Saitama Seibu Lions Baseball Club Project”
As a part of our Yakyu Promotion, we the Saitama Seibu Lions Baseball Club is collecting used yakyu equipments as a donation project to the Federated States of Micronesia.
In the early 20th Century, what is now the Federated States of Micronesia was under the administration of Japan and for that reason Japanese culture still remains. It is said that Yakyu was played during the Japanese administration days, and it is also said that although the country is currently under strong US influence, the word “yakyu” is used instead of “baseball” which symbolizes the close ties this country has with Japanese Yakyu. Even now, young and old and without bias to gender, many of these people enjoy Yakyu and softball. However, due to financial limitations, many are unable to purchase sports equipments such as bats, gloves and helmets, thus forcing players to share equipments with opposing teams. This is the unfortunate reality in which they are in an environment not conducive to enjoy playing Yakyu.
In light of the problems faced under the unfriendly Yakyu environment, and with consideration that this year will mark the 25th year of diplomatic relations between Japan and FSM, this commemorative project has begun.
To our fans that support this project and have kindly donated Yakyu equipments, the Saitama Seibu Lions will award free tickets to our games and more.
The donated items are planned to be shipped mid September with the support of the Tokyo Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia and Kyowa Shipping Co., Ltd.