7月28日、両国・国技館で行われた『第29回わんぱく相撲全国大会』に、松永ジョージくん(埼玉中央・6年)が初出場しました。ジョージくんのお父さんはミクロネシア連邦ポンペイ州出身のRobert Paulinoさん。お母さんは日本人です。
The 29th Wanpaku (primary students) nationwide sumo tournament was held at the Ryogoku Kokugikan Sumo Arena in Tokyo on July 28th. George (Paulino) Matsunaga (6th grader of Saitama Chuo Primary School), citizen of FSM and son of Robert Paulino from Pohnpei State, competed in the tournament for the first time. His mother is a Japanese.
Held every year, the tournament is a very competitive one which brought in the strong competitors selected out of 40,000 nationwide. George was representing the competitors in saying the “Fair Play Pledge” which was a great honor. Wish all the best to George and look forward to have the first FSM Rikishi (Sumo Wrestler) in the near future.