ミクロネシア連邦(FSM)アジア太平洋婦人友好会(ALFS)のメンバーは、2009年4月15日(水曜日)に予定しているチャリテーバザーの準備のため、大使館で会議を開きました。会議に集まったALFSメンバーは、モモエ フリッツ大使夫人、マグダレナ アンドリュー公使夫人、草柳卓江大使秘書、根本るり子秘書です。FSM ALFSグループは、今年のイベントでもミクロネシア連邦の食べものと特産品を提供します。この重要なイベントはコンチネンタル航空を含むたくさんの友人とサポーターからの支援で参加し続けることができました。大使館からはラッフル賞として、ミクロネシア連邦のポナベへの往復航空券2名分とサウスパークホテルの3泊無料宿泊券が当たります。
入場券は当大使館にお問い合わせください。 沢山の楽しい商品や旅行券が当たるラッフル券(抽選券)も是非お求めください。 連絡先 :03-3585-5456
入場券 2,000円
ラッフル抽選券 500円 (何枚でもお求めいただけます)
Members of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society (ALFS) held a meeting at the Embassy to discuss the final plans for this year’s ALFS annual charitable bazaar scheduled to take place on April 15, 2009 (Wednesday). FSM ALFS members are Mrs. Momoe Fritz, spouse of Ambassador Fritz, Mrs. Magdalena Andrew, spouse of DCM Andrew, Ms. Takue Kusayanagi, Executive Secretary to Ambassador, Mrs. Ruriko Nemoto, receptionist.
As member of this organization, the FSM ALFS group will again present the taste and feel of the FSM at this year’s event. FSM’s continued participation in this important event is only made possible because of the generous support and contributions from friends and supporters including Continental Airlines Inc., who has been helping since the FSM became a full member of this organization, by donating two free round-trip tickets for the Raffle Prize, South Park Hotel Management for providing free accommodation for this year’s Raffle prize, FSM States Women’s Associations for providing handicrafts and other products for display at the FSM booths, Japanese friends helping during the bazaar and many-many others. We extend our sincere appreciation for your continued support and cooperation.
The FSM shares from the proceeds of the charitable event will be donated to Women’s Associations in the FSM four States to support their programs and activities. The donation has been arranged on a rotational basis, and Yap State Women’s Association will the the recipient for this year.