Author Archives: John Fritz

Meeting with President Suyama of Isono Sports

Mr. Katsuhiko Suyama, President of Isono Sports visited the Embassy to present a commemorative baseball glove […]

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The Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Visited FSM Embassy

Eight out of nine (9) members of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) visited the FSM Embassy in M […]

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Visit by New JICA Official

August 7, 2024 – Tokyo, JapanAmbassador Fritz welcomes three Officers from the Japan International Cooperation […]

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新しく就任されたギリシャ大使館のNicolaos Argyros大使閣下がご来館されました。Look forward to work with H.E. Argyros to strenthen the FSM-Gree […]

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   4月27日、目黒通りで定期的に開催されている『目黒マルシェ』にミクロネシア連邦大使館が初参加しました。このマルシェは目黒のお店だけでなくあらゆる地域の名店が並び、リピーターが非常に多い人気のイベントです。&nbsp […]

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