ミクロネシア連邦のヴィタ・スキリング保健大臣が、医学のシンポジウムに参加するため、笹川平和財団の招聘で来日しました。 先日、大臣ご一行をお迎えして、大使館にて交流会を行いました。 東京都柔道接骨師会の皆様、JOCの河野一郎理事、太平洋諸島地域研究所の小林先生など日頃からお世話になっている方々や友人、大使館スタッフ・家族が集まりました。
During her visit to Japan under the invitation by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation to participate in the Association for Medical Education in the Western Pacific Region (AMEWPR)-Japan Society of Medical Engineering (JSME) joint symposium, Secretary of Health Madame Vita A. Skilling also had the opportunity to meet with the Embassy’s staff and families and friends including representatives of Tokyo Metropolitan Judo and Japan Bone Correction Therapy Foundation, Jigoro Kano Memorial Sport Institute, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan Institute for Pacific Studies and others at the FSM Embassy. She also had good exchanges with the Judo Foundation Chairman Mr. Kudo because of the keen interest to collectively work together to promote judo and the bone correction therapy in the FSM. She also took the opportunity to thank Dr. Ichiro Kono Chairman of the Jigoro Kono Memorial Sport Institute for inviting FSM to participate in the “Asia Sports Coach Forum into the Future” held in March this year. FSM sent three young coaches to this forum.
Her program in Japan also includes courtesy calls on Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, officials of Sasakawa Peace Foundation, visit to Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Kyorin University Hospital, Shimazu Corporation in Kyoto Prefecture.
Micronesia food prepared by the spouses of the diplomatic staff were served at the get together.