


Students from Kiyose Junior High School No#5 visited the Embassy to learn about the Federated States of Micronesia as part of their school’s intercultural program. They were given an introduction on the FSM through slide presentation followed by a question and answer session. They also experiennced the island attire. Thank you for your interest in FSM and please come  visit us.


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Students from Fukushima City Shinobu Junior High School visited the  FSM Embassy on a study tour. They were given a general introductory on the FSM through slide presentation followed by a question and answer session. They also experienced the island attire. Thank you for your interest in FSM and please come and visit us.

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The Pacific Day 2017 in YITC



The Second Pacific Day event  was held  at the Yokohama Interantional Tennis Community (YITC). Members of the YITC, diplomats and family members from the Pacific Islands Embassies, friends and supporters strenthened the friendly exchanges  through tennis and food culture.

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パプアニューギニア大使館のガブリエル J.K. ドゥサバ駐日大使が任期を終え、帰国されました。大洋州各国の駐日大使からのプレゼントをお渡ししました。


Ambassador of Papua New Guinea  received FSM Ambassador at his office who deliver a farwel gift from the Pacific Islands Ambassadors upon completion of his duties in Japan.

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コートジボワール共和国のJérôme Klôh Weya大使閣下が表敬訪問にいらっしゃいました。

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