Courtesy Call by Sovereign Order of Malta

Ambassador Fritz welcomes courtesy call by Dr. Fabrizio Bozzato, Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Republic of Nauru.

Dr. Bozzato expressed similar interests between his nation and the pacific, and shared his country’s desire to request agre’ment with the FSM. The FSM looks forward to further deepening the relationship between the FSM and the Sovereign Order of Malta.

The FSM and the Sovereign Order of Malta established Diplomatic Relations on November 12th, 1997.

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Ambassador Fritz welcomes courtesy call by Mr. Hiroyuki Namazu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General, Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, to pay greeting Ambassador Fritz since becoming Director-General.  

Mr. Namazu shared his experiences with the Pacific, namely his participation in the PALM 8 meeting held in 2018. Further, as the PALM10 approaches Japan encourages frank exchanges between the two parties for a successful summit.

Other projects such as the PALM&G Local Government Network was shared by Ambassador Fritz, as he expressed the importance of working closely with the Local Governments to further enhance tangible outcomes.

Mr. Namazu expressed keen interest in the rich history between Japan and the FSM. Further, the relationship between the FSM and Japan. Both parties look favorably towards deepening this relationship and welcomes Mr. Namazu to visit the FSM.

The Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia welcomes further partnership with counterparts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and looks forward to future endeavors.

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Three Officials from the Japan Coast Guard visited the Embassy to pay courtesy call on Ambassador Fritz and Embassy Staff to provide information on upcoming lecture and training event, to be held in Pohnpei, FSM in 2024.

The Japan Coast Guard plans to dispatch their “Mobile Cooperation Team” (MCT), a team of experts in capacity building to provide support to the FSM’s Maritime Wing. The Japan Coast Guard plans to actively support the improvement of maritime safety, security and capabilities in the Indo-Pacific Region.

The activities scheduled to beheld are supported by the Nippon Foundation and Sasakawa Peace Foundation.

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Shizuoka, Japan – From November 21 – 22, 2023 Ambassador Fritz and five other Ambassadors and Representatives from Embassies of Pacific Island Countries. Attending Ambassadors and representatives from PICs include FSM, Marshall Islands, Palau, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. From the Japan side prefectures in attendance were Mie, Fukushima, Shizuoka, Hyogo, Yamaguchi, Kochi, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima and Okinawa. Also in attendance were representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JICA and Pacific Island Centre.

The meeting was chaired by the Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture and supported by the PICs coordinator and chair FSM. The main purpose of this trip was to participate in the Third PALM & G Local Governors Network Meeting hosted by Shizuoka Prefecture. This meeting provides a chance for Pacific Island Countries to cooperate with Prefectural Governments and strengthen relationships through activities and exchange.

The Pacific Island Countries recognize Japan as a valuable and close developing partner and look forward to continuing frank exchange within the network to further our partnership and expand on new activities, while maintaining the principles of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.

The second day excursion included sight-seeing to learn the history and culture of Shizuoka Prefecture. Most notably, the group visited Yaizu Fisheries High School. There, the group was able to see first-hand, how students of high school age are being trained in the fisheries sector. These children are trained in a spectrum of fisheries including, but not limited to, marine sciences, marine cultivation, food sciences and marketing. The group was able to experience virtual simulation of ship driving, used as a practical, safe and effective way to train the students.

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