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ミクロネシア連邦へ野球用具を 社会人野球NOW vol.4(日本野球連盟ウェブサイトより)



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The Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) organized a ceremony closing the “Summer Session in East Asian Studies.” This short-term exchange program (which occurred from June 30 to July 21) hosted eight university students from different parts of the Pacific and Caribbean regions. Shortly afterward, APIC arranged a farewell reception, where it invited several guests from different embassies as well as other organizations to attend.

From June 29 to July 22, the program welcomed international students from the Pacific and Caribbean islands and offered an educational setting in which they explored many facets of Japan in depth and intensely over the course of three weeks. Throughout their time in Japan, the students took classes in English at Sophia University, where they learned about various aspects of Japanese culture and society – including popular cultural elements such as entertainment, fashion, etc. Simultaneously, they had the opportunity to share cultural experiences with Japanese students and tour organizations connected to global cooperation, sightseeing, education, and so on.

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太平洋諸島センター(PIC)の皆様がご来館されました。PICは、太平洋島嶼国における貿易・投資・観光の促進を通じて、経済的発展を支援することを目的としています。最近の活動状況のご説明と、今後のプロジェクトについてのブリーフィングを行いました。2025年日本国際博覧会(EXPO2025大阪・関西万博 )の開催に向けて、ミクロネシア連邦はPICとのあらゆる協力関係を楽しみにしています。


Mr. Ryuzo Saito, Director of Pacific Island Center (PIC), and several officers paid a courtesy call on Ambassador Fritz.

PIC provided Ambassador Fritz with an update on their recent activities and briefed Ambassador on upcoming projects. PIC shared their intention to actively promote trade, investment, and tourism in Pacific Island Countries, and seeks the support of the Embassy. Ambassador offered his kind advice and suggestions to help guide promotional efforts.

The group also discussed trade and investment opportunities in the FSM and shared current projects where collaboration can be realized.

As the World Expo 2025 rolls around, FSM looks forward to working together with PIC in any capacity.

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NIYE Micronesia Children Exchange Program 2023



From June 28 to July 4 of this year, the National Institution for Youth Education – otherwise known as NIYE – hosted an exchange program for students from the Micronesian region for the first time since 2019. The participating students, who arrived in Tokyo along with their chaperones, came from various elementary schools across Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands. Throughout their stay in Japan, the participants engaged in various events and activities.

On the night of June 29, NIYE organized a welcoming reception for the students and chaperones. The organization invited a variety of guests to attend, including government officials, embassy representatives, and other individuals or groups of significance.

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