
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the merger of the two junior high schools in Meguro, near the Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia. As neighbors, we hope to continue active exchanges in the future. We thank Mr. Kanazawa, Principal and Mr. Momii, Vice Principal of Ohtori Junior High School for visiting the Embassy.




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Courtesy visit by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkiye


Thank you for visiting the Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia. Look forward to work with H.E. Oguzhan Ertugrul to strenthen the FSM-Turkiye cooperation partnership.



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Four FSM students attended the JENESYS 2024 sponsored by JICA along with fellow students from the PIF members countries. JENESYS is a people- to-people exchange program launched in 2015 between Japan and Asia-Pacific region. It is a ten-days program which include visits to educational sites and institutions, high tech and traditional industries, cultural and historic sites, local governments, and to participate in cross-cultural events, workshops, and interactions with the local people, and home visits and homestay. Overall, this program offers the opportunity for the youths of the PIF members to learn about Japan’s history, society, economic, diverse culture, politics and diplomatic relations and build networks in these fields. This program is an important component of the Joint Action Plan under the PALM initiatives between Japan and the PIF.




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2025年 第一回PICAG meeting

Meguro, Tokyo – The FSM Embassy hosted the first Pacific Island Countries Ambassadorial Group (PICAG) meeting for the year 2025. The meeting was attended by 6 of the 7 Pacific Island Country Embassies with residence in Tokyo.

This year, the FSM holds the chairmanship of the PICAG and will work closely with our brothers and sisters in the Pacific to highlight our common goals in Japan.



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Introduced by Mr. Nobutsugi Kuribayashi, Honorary Consul General of the Federated States of Micronesia in Kushiro, and Chairman of the Mitsuwa Shoukai Corporation, Mr. Saita and Mr. Kimura, President and Managing Director of Iwatani Kenborou Kabushiki Kaisha, visited the Embassy. Iwatani Kenborou Kabushiki Kaisha is Japan’s top supplier of pig farming.



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