

ジミー ベニト (Jimmy Benito) さんとフィアンセの星野志津さんが来館されました。ベニトさんは横浜でシェフとして働いていて、日本語も流暢に話されます。 この日は婚約者の志津さんと婚姻に必要な書類の事で大使を訪問されました。 将来東京にミクロネシア料理のレストランが出来るかもしれませんね。その日を楽しみにしております。 どうぞお幸せに!


Mr. Jimmy Benito from Chuuk visited the FSM Embassy with Miss. Hoshino. First FSM ‘chef’  (cook) in Japan, Benito has been in Japan for many years and he is fluent in Japanese, which actually contributed to  his success in this special field. They visited the Embassy to request assistance in preparation of their marriage.  Benito is currently working in a restaurant in Yokohama city belongs to one of the oldest sports club in Japan. He is very instrumental in promoting the FSM in Japan through his special  network and we do look foward to see a possible FSM restaurant in Japan in the future.

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