

トラック島振興支援基金の鈴木健三様が今年3月にチューク島でおこなわれた医療奉仕団による眼科集団健診について報告に来られました。  この医療奉仕団は広島の伊藤剛二医師(医療法人 健康倶楽部 理事長)や伊藤先生の活動に賛同された諸先生方や有志の方々により、9年以上前からトラック島振興支援基金の皆様のサポートで行われてきました。


Mr. Kenzo Suzuki of the Chuuk Support Promotion Foundation (NGO/NPO) visited the Embassy to give a briefing on the outcome of the medical mission from Hiroshima who visited Chuuk in March this year to conduct eye medical operation and treatment. The medical mission from Hiroshima  has been conducting the  treatment program for over nine years under the supervision of Dr. Gouji Ito, Chairman of Medical Association and Kenko Club and his doctors colleagues from Hiroshima with the cooperation of the  Chuuk Support Promotion Foundation. This program is provided on a voluntary basis, and it has indeed helped improve the health and well-being of the people in Chuuk.  On behalf of the people of FSM, particularly Chuuk, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of those individuals involve in this important undertaking  for your kind  assistance and goodwill gesture, which have greatly benefited our people.

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