
今年も恒例の『アジアの祭典 チャリティーバザー』が、4月9日(火)ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京で行われました。このバザーは、政財界のご夫人と在京26ヶ国アジア・大洋州地域の大使夫人らで構成されるアジア婦人友好会によるビッグイベントです。収益金は参加国の福祉・教育支援・災害援助のため、分配されます。




The Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society’s Annual Charity Bazaar was held again this year on April 9th at ANA Intercontinental Hotel in Akasaka, Tokyo. It is one of the major  annual events spearhead  by the Asia-Pacific Friendship Society’s  members including  spouses of government officials from Japan and wives (spouses) of Ambassadors from 26 countries in  Asia and Pacific. FSM Embassy displayed several items this year including Pohnpei pepper, coconuts oil, handicrafts, and coconut cookies, banana bread, banana pies, and banana cup cakes made by Ambassador’s and DCM’s wives.

Each members countries take the opportunity to display their countries food, handicrafts, and  products.

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