

Representatives of Japan Water Forum visited the Embassy to deliver a thank you letter from Honorable Yoshiro Mori, President of Japan Water Forum and the Asia Pacific Water Forum, to His Excellency Emanuel Mori, President of the Federated States of Micronesia. Two other documents; Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting for Water at the 5th World Water Forum held in Instanbul Turkey March 2009, and Summary of Chair Concluding Statement at the Asia-Pacific Session on the Ministerial for Water and Security Initiative in the Asia-Pacific Region were also handed over to Ambassador Fritz. The Water Security and Sanitation were discussed during the Water and Sanitation symposium hosted by Japan Water Forum on May 20, 2009. While the Water and Sanitation issues were not specifically mentioned in the “Tomamu Declaration”, however, the Leaders agreed to work closely to address these issues which are of great significance to the region and to Japan.

日本水フォーラムの アジア 太平洋水フォーラム事務局の福本しのぶさんと森田俊彦さんが大使を訪問され、会長の森喜朗元首相から

ミクロネシア連邦のモリ大統領宛のお礼状を大使に手渡されました。お礼状とともにお持ちくださった書類は今年3月にトルコのイスタンブールで開かれた第5回世界水フォーラムとアジア太平洋地域における水と安全保障会議の議長声明概要等の資料です。 また、先月北海道で開催された第五回太平洋島サミット前の5月20日の水フォーラムの会議


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